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[Yakup] Making complex clinical trials easier : C&R Research leads clinical innovation with ‘imtrial’

“Anyone who has used ‘imtrial’ even once will feel its convenience throughout the entire process of clinical trials and research, and will find it hard to imagine going back to the way things were before using it.”


C&R Research stated this at ‘2024 C&R imagineer (9/12)’ that the ‘imtrial’, which they developed, will further invigorate the field of clinical research.


C&R imagineer is a combination of the words ‘Imagine’ and ‘Engineer,’ and it is an event organized by C&R Research under the theme of ‘Healthcare Data Industry, Turning Innovation into Reality,’ to broadly discuss ways to utilize healthcare data.

‘imtrial’ is a digital clinical platform developed by C&R Research, which is an end-to-end system supporting everything from clinical trial and research design, protocol development, implementation, and data collection, all based on a metadata repository (MDR).


Please check out further details by following the link below.


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