[Edaily] C&R Research led EMA approval of ‘EYELEA’ Phase 3 IND clinical trial
C&R Research successfully carried out EMA approval for the Phase 3 IND clinical trial of ‘EYELEA’ Biosimilar with Rophibio, Inc.…
[Global Economic] C&R Research and GC Cell signed an MOU to ‘Strengthen Global Clinical Competitiveness’
C&R Research and GC Cell signed an MOU to strengthen global clinical competitiveness and sales power. Through this business…
[Hitnews] C&R Research, conducting a Phase 1 clinical trial for ‘Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer’ of ONCOBIX
C&R Research (CEO Moon-Tae Yoon) announced about conducting a Phase 1 clinical trial for 'Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer' of ONCOBIX…
[Edaily] C&R Research led US FDA approval of ‘EYELEA’ Phase 3 IND clinical trial
C&R Research successfully carried out US FDA approval for the Phase 3 IND clinical trial of 'EYELEA' Biosimilar with Rophibio,…
[Yakup] C&R Research, Successfully completed US FDA medical device 510(k) approval work
C&R Research (CEO Moon-Tae Yoon) successfully carried out the US FDA medical device 510(k) approval work, expanding business scope to…