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공지사항 |
[경력] Project Specialist 모집
2019-04-09 11:29
▶ 모집부문 : [경력] Project Specialist 모집
▶ 모집분야 : Global 팀
▶ 모집기간 : 채용시 마감
▶ 구분 : 경력
▶ 모집분야 : Global 팀
▶ 모집기간 : 채용시 마감
▶ 구분 : 경력
1.Position : Global팀 Project Specialist
2. Job Requirement
- Associates Degree (or equivalent) level of qualification in life sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing or related field or equivalent combination of education and experience
- Prior experience as a Study Coordinator or within the pharmaceutical industry preferred
- Knowledge of Good Clinical Practice/ICH guidelines and other applicable regulatory requirements.
- High proficiency with full MS Office Applications.
- High level of competence in English language
3. Job Description
- Set-up, maintain and/or close out project files and study information on a variety of databases and systems.
- Attends, participates, prepares and distributes meeting minutes and action items for both internal and external meetings
- Ensure all study documents are archived based on the appropriate guidelines and policy.
- Provide support for quality assurance activities, including preparation for audits and internal review, prepare documentation and follow through to resolution on actionable issues.
- Work closely with the project PM for timely delivery of recurrent tasks consistently with a high degree of accuracy
4. Job Information
- 소속 : Global 팀
- 경력 : 정규직
- 연봉 : 면접 후 협의
- 근무지 : 서울시 강남구 역삼로 412
5. Guidelines for Applicants
- 접수기간: 채용시 마감
- 지원방법: 자사 홈페이지(www.cnrres.com)를 통해 입사 지원
- 전형절차: 서류전형-1차 면접-2차 면접- 최종합격
(*서류 전형 합격자에 한하여 1차 면접 심사 여부 유선 통보)
6. Contact Information
- 홈페이지: C&R Research(www.cnrres.com)
- 관련문의: 인사담당자 E-mail recruit@cnrres.co.kr(*메일 문의 바랍니다.)